As we embark on this new year, many of us may find ourselves wondering if God has made provision for our needs. Be rest assured that our Heavenly Father has already prepared everything we will require this year. Just as loving parents prepare for the arrival of a newborn, our God, who is infinitely more compassionate and wise, has budgeted for every aspect of our lives.
In Exodus 23:20, we read, "Behold, I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared." This verse shows how God works ahead of time, making arrangements for our future before we even encounter the need.
So, how do we access what God has prepared for us? The answer lies in Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." This scripture provides us with a roadmap for aligning ourselves with God's provision:
Trust completely in God, not relying solely on our limited perspective.
Acknowledge God in everything we do, seeking His guidance before taking action.
Allow God to direct our paths, showing us the way to His prepared blessings.
Prayer is also part of the process of receiving what God has already put in place for us. Rather than merely presenting our requests to God, we should approach prayer as a time of "downloading" His plans for us. Ask Him to reveal what He has prepared and how you should proceed.
This two-way communication ensures that we're not blindly groping in the dark but following His divine guidance.Remember, you are not just in God's budget – you are premium in His plans. He has taken great care to prepare for your needs and desires. As you seek His face and follow His instructions, you'll discover the abundance He has laid out for you this year.
So, step out in faith and confidence that God has already made provision for your journey. Trust in His timing, lean on His wisdom, and watch as He unfolds His perfect plan for your life.
Watch the full teaching here